It's (Mostly) Her Fault!It started as an innocent (my perception) plank war through social media which turned into an all out battle of sorts. Okay, it became more of a friendly competition that, thanks to my spin on it, has (in some people's eyes) gotten out of control and taken on a life of it's own. Others have simply been able to ignore all this because they have no clue what this is about. Sometimes I was I were still one of them. No I don't, and you know it.
So this is Kimberley Hix. She is a gym rat, entrepreneur, mom, wife and a lot more things I still don't know about her. As much as I want to blame her for this, I can't. Besides, the name for this website came from her as one of the (many) names she calls me. Find out more about Kim's incredible business here: GoodBoyRoyBrand |